CAGD 373 - Asset Production

Game Scene Final Project Post

     In this game scene project, we were tasked to form groups of 4 and work together to make a scene from a video game of our choice in 6 weeks. Unlike other assignments where we do every step of development from modeling to unity, this time we would each have specific roles and so we would have to work together to ensure everything gets done.

     My group consisted of Sam, our lead and Unity worker, Christian, our texture artist, Alex, our prop modeler, and me, our building modeler. After deliberating on games, we settled on making the map Dorado from Overwatch. We all agreed on this scene because of the warm mood, with bright, warmly colored buildings and gentle yellow lighting in a nighttime setting. The scene also seemed perfect for this assignment, with somewhat simple buildings that also allow for a lot of details.

     For the first two weeks, all four members modeled props and buildings to have things to texture, then for the next three weeks everyone split into their roles and ground out work. Once we got to the end, I helped our texture artist wrap up, and we all pitched in with Unity. In the end, we were able to get an amazing scene that we are all very proud of.

     While everything was smooth for the most part, there were still a couple of problems that we faced along the way. None of these issues were too large, but they did hold up development and forced us to troubleshoot and work together to solve them and move forward. The major problems we faced included scale, vertex color IDs, and the final scene adjustments.

     Our first issue was one that we knew would happen, and it involved the scale of our buildings. Unlike other scenes with buildings spaced out, our scene had almost all buildings touching or connected in some way, making scale much more important to get right. As well as that, there were no ways to get exact measurements for buildings so we were forced to wing it and hope that everything fit together well. The one saving grace for this was that I modeled most buildings, so it was easier for me to get the scale correct with my buildings. However, when placing everything in Unity, there were some buildings that didn't fit perfectly. Our solution was to scale buildings differently and simply work with them until the scene looked good. Luckily the textures for our buildings were simple, so scaling buildings didn't change how the textures looked. In the end, everything fit together well and we ended with a beautiful scene.

     The next big obstacle we faces was vertex colors. Instead of using material IDs, we decided to use vertex colors because there were quick and easy and worked well for our buildings. The issues came when texturing the buildings, as some of the vertex IDs wouldn't look right in substance painter. This happened to several buildings and there was no reason it happened. Our solution was simply to reexport the models and when they were brought into painter, the IDs would look good and we could continue texturing.

     The final problem we had during the project was at the very end with the final scene adjustments. Because of Unity's changes with group projects, we would only be able to send the scene to three people, so instead, we used GitHub to share the project with each other. This worked perfectly for most of the project, but the issue game at the end. After Sam textured the terrain, we could no longer transfer files through GitHub, because terrain textures aren't supported. Because of this, Sam had to take on the rest of the project by himself. We were already almost done, but there were still a number of small things to do, and because of the GitHub problem, we were unable to help him. Thankfully Sam worked extra hard and got everything done on his own.

     As I mentioned before, our scene turned out great and we are all super proud of our hard work. This assignment not only helped our communication and teamwork but also showed us a bit more of what it will be like working in the industry, with everyone having their own roles and us having to communicate with other roles to make sure everything went smoothly. I am very grateful to get the teammates that I got, they were all good workers and nice people. Having them made the assignment much easier and more fun. I definitely learned a lot from this project that I will take into future classes and even jobs.


Sprint Review 5

     This being the second to last sprint we are having with this project, we had to work a bit extra and get a lot of tasks done, and I feel that we more than delivered on that. Getting close to the due date made us realize that we were a little behind on progress and might not finish everything we needed. So to help with that we each took on some extra tasks this week and managed to get a huge amount of work done to get us more or less back on track. If we finish the project with the same effort as we had this week, I am sure that we can get everything done and make a beautiful scene.

Blue and Yellow Building IDs

     I had a whopping 11 tasks this week, ranging from modeling to UVing to IDing, and I was able to complete 10 of those tasks. In this sprint, I modeled the church and long gate, IDd the gate, long gate, blue, white, yellow, and red buildings, and assembled UV sets 3 and 4 so our texture artist could texture those models. The only task that I was unable to complete this sprint was UVing the church, which I will be able to finish on the first day of this last sprint.

Red Building ID

     With all of these tasks being done, all that is left for me to do is modeling, UVing, and IDing some terrain bits, the sci-fi floor, and the front wall of the sci-fi building. While it is still a large number of tasks, none of them are very large so it should be easy for me to get them done. I will also be aiming to get these done on Wednesday to leave time for the models to get textured and implemented into the scene before Sunday night.

UV Sets 2 and 3

     While this week of hard work does put a bit of a damper on our morale, it does feel great to get this much progress done so fast, and having entered our last sprint of the project, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel and we will push hard to power through this assignment and make an amazing scene.

Church Model

Sprint Review 4

     With the last sprint being a bit slower, I really wanted to get all of my tasks done with this sprint, and I am happy to say that I achieved my goal. While I was only assigned 4 tasks, they were larger than my others, so getting them all done was a big step forward. I believe we are all still working hard and we may need to crunch a bit towards the end but we are making great progress.

Red Building Model

     As I mentioned before, I was only assigned 4 tasks for this sprint. These included modeling and UVing the large red building, and modeling and UVing the large white building. Although they were large tasks, I was able to get them all done in this sprint, which is amazing. With no tasks being uncompleted, I can move straight into new tasks next sprint.

Red Building UVs

     That concludes all of the buildings for my section, and the next sprints will involve modeling any extra buildings that weren't assigned, and texturing the buildings that I modeled. The large church and courtyard gate will be the main structures that I will make.

White Building Model

     My whole group is grinding out tasks and we have definitely passed the halfway point with the project. Although texturing can take time, the textures in our scene are generally simple and easy to replicate, so texturing overall shouldn't take too much of our time. We are still excited and eager to work on this assignment and I hope I can get a large amount of work done for the next sprint review.

White Building UVs

Sprint Review 3

     With Easter happening over the weekend along with some other family things for myself, we definitely didn't get as much done as with the previous sprint, but thanks to just how much we did last time, this doesn't put us behind schedule at all. Despite this decrease in completed tasks, I did still get some things done and we as a group are still pushing along with the project.

Yellow Building UVs

     I was assigned 5 tasks this sprint, one of them being incomplete from the previous sprint. These tasks included modeling the blue and red buildings, and UVing the blue, red, and yellow buildings. I was only able to get three of these tasks done: modeling the blue building, and UVing the blue and yellow building.

Blue Building Model

     Due to the busy weekend, I was unable to model and UV the red building, so I plan on getting that completed early in this sprint, along with modeling and UVing the final building in my section. After that, I can begin texturing all of my models, then help make any other needed props or structures.

Blue Building UVs

     Everything is still going very well and if we keep up the hard work we can get through all the necessary models soon and hopefully add a lot of little details to our scene. Our communication as a team is really nice and does a lot to make this assignment both easier and more fun. I am also learning a lot about not just modeling but also familiarizing myself with the process of having different people in different roles and I love it.

Sprint Review 2

     With the last sprint being our planning phase, we were eager to begin working for this sprint, and I believe the amount of tasks we completed reflects that. Despite this only being our first real week of working on the project, we have already made great progress.

     In this sprint, I was assigned 9 tasks, which were to model the front gate, small fence, and yellow building, as well as UV and ID these structures. After gathering several specific reference images for each building, I was able to get to work and finished most of the tasks.

     Over the week, I was able to finish modeling all three structures, UV the gate and fence, and ID the fence. After IDing the small fence, we realized that we aren't too sure how we are going to do things in substance painter and that my IDs might not be helpful depending on what our texture artist decides to do. Because of this, the other two ID tasks were discarded. Due to this, I only had one task that I was unable to complete, which was UVing the yellow building.

     As I mentioned before, not just I, but all my groupmates made amazing progress and if we keep up the good work, we will be able to easily make our deadline and be able to add more details to the scene. Things are going smoothly and our communication and teamwork are also going very well so I believe this project will continue to be a fun one.

Sprint Review 1

     This week we started a new project in which we get into groups of four, pick a scene from a game, and spend six weeks building it. It will involve making modular structures and other models, texturing, building in Unity, and adding extra elements to make the scene more enjoyable such as an interactive element.

     My group has decided to choose Overwatch as our game, with the B point of the map Dorado as our specific scene. The members of my group include Samuel as the lead and Unity builder, Alex as the texture artist, and Christian and I as modelers. We need to get moving on progress so we will all be modeling at first but our roles determine what we do later in the project.

     For this week, our only goal was to gather references for the Dorado map, of both A point and B point, and we later agreed on creating point B for the project. We looked up images from google, but Samuel and I were also able to play the game and gather images from any spot/angle that we wanted.

     Although we haven't done much besides gathering references to ensure that we have a clear image of what we will be doing, we are spitballing tons of ideas to that when Wednesday hits, we will be ready to spring into development and we are all excited and anxious to get started.


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